Game to improve your aim !!

Practice makes perfect and you can hit the bulls eye every time !
Practice makes perfect and you can hit the bulls eye every time !

This simple and fun game will help improve your aim.

You will need:

  1. Rubber Bands
  2. Sticky tape or blu tack
  3. and lots of paper.

MISSILES (heh, only paper ones!)

  • Get lots of regular pieces of printer paper and cut them into strips about 1 inch wide.
  • Fold each strip in half long ways 2 times. Then fold it short ways once. Then long ways 2 more times. Do this with all the 1 inch wide strips of paper until you have a nice stockpile of paper missiles!
  • Get a rubber band and stretch them between your index (pointer) finger and thumb.
  • In order to shoot load a missile on the half of rubber band closest to your target.


  • Stack 5 pieces of paper so they lay on top of each other (the extra layers protect the surface behind the target from marking).
  • Draw a bulls eye on the front sheet.
  • Tape it or blu tack to a vertical surface (but not a wall as the missiles can leave a mark on paintwork or wallpaper if you fire with enough power and miss!).
  • Practice shooting the target until the bulls eye is an easy target!

WARNING (we know you will be sensible but just in case!):

  • If fired with enough power the missiles CAN HURT, so be careful.
  • NEVER shoot at the face.
  • DO NOT play this game at School – you could be suspended or, worse, expelled.
  • NEVER EVER add nails or staples to your missiles – you could really hurt someone.

Now to put your expert aim to the test…………..sites nationwide:


Clay Pigeon Shooting


Laser Combat