Scuba Diving Hesperia
The Activity People » Scuba Diving venues Near Hesperia (92345) » Scuba Diving Hesperia
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- Packages start from $249.00
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From $249.00
This full day all inclusive excursion is set nearby one of California's finest natural hot springs. We will accommodate all necessary gear, food/beverages, and transportation from Los Angeles for the trip. Not only will you be surrounded by beautiful and natural hot springs, but you will get the chance to hike one of the most famous trails that spans from Canada to Mexico (Pacific Crest Trail -PCT). Explore the scenic terrain of this treasured pathway after a dip in the hot springs. With an abundance of hidden pools surrounding the area, you will also get the chance to hit some of the best cliff jumping and diving spots! Unwind and relax at this hidden oasis with your friends and family for a true getaway from the city.
- people Group Size: From 3 Up To 10
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directions Location
- 923458
- Hesperia
- CA
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Venue Ref: 1014036-17