Mountain Biking Thousand Oaks
The Activity People » Mountain Biking venues Near Westlake Village (91362) » Mountain Biking Thousand Oaks
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- Packages start from $139.00
$ Prices
From $139.00
DOS VIENTOS TOUR (Newbury Park) Electric MTB - Freeride 90 min - (Beginner)
Great workout trail: almost all singletrack with punchy climbs and short fast descents. On a clear day, you can see the ocean. Trails are almost always in great condition, and not very populated.
[ Source:MTB Project ]
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 15
From $149.00
East Canyon Downhill Electric MTB -Santa Clarita (Advanced)
The trail isn't particularly technical and once you makle the climb up your rewarded with a handful of fast descents. The ride down on these trails are super fast many have high berms which can sneak up on you.
So worth making the climb up again as you have many more trails to choose from. Once you reach the top, you are rewarded a second time with another fast flowy downhill.
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 15
From $249.00
DOS VIENTOS TOUR - EXTENDED RIDE - (Newbury Park) Electric MTB - Freeride 180 min - (INTERMEDIATE)
Great workout trail: almost all singletrack with punchy climbs and short fast descents. On a clear day, you can see the ocean. Trails are almost always in great condition, and not very populated.
[ Source:MTB Project ]
- people Group Size: From 1 Up To 3
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Venue Ref: 1011102-100